Thursday, January 12, 2023



The trees danced as old man winter blew his tune.

They rejoiced in the promise return of youthful summer in June.


The fall, like Adam and Eve, stripped them naked in the cold and rain.

But, promised to be beyond Solomon’s splendor in the spring.


That’s how it is with God and His care.

For the believer there is much to share.


When the chill and cold of trouble blow,

remember that Jesus said He must go


to prepare a place for believers to dwell

But, for those who reject that place is hell.


So we dance before a dark world so bare,

But we remember that we have “Good News” to share.


Just as the trees dance in the winter wind for the promise of June,

We as Christians dance for Jesus who will return soon.


The promise He has made is as sure as the seasons,

But he delays for many reasons.


Amidst the tribulation and trouble that come our way,

Remember Jesus said He would return on “That Day”.


Do not give up hope or refuse to believe,

just remember He’s coming when you see the leaves.

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