Thursday, August 1, 2019


But we do not want you to be uninformed brothers, about those who are asleep, that you may grieve as others do who have no hope. First Thessalonians 4:13

Bubba used a crosscut saw to cut pulpwood.  One day a chainsaw salesman asked Bubba if he had interest in a chainsaw that would increase his productivity.  Bubba did not know about productivity, but he did want to cut more pulpwood.  

Bubba said he could cut about a cord.  The salesman convinced Bubba an increase to three, maybe, four cords with the chainsaw.  Bubba borrowed the money from the bank and bought a new chainsaw.  Working as hard as he could work, Bubba could only cut a half cord of wood. 

A week later, Bubba told the salesman.  Thinking it odd, he gave Bubba a new spark plug, but Bubba only managed three-fourths cord.  Not satisfied, the salesman told Bubba to take the saw to the local repair shop because the saw was under warranty.  Bubba told the repairman his dilemma to which the repairman turned on the switch and pulled the cord.  Bubba said, “What is that sound?”

Paul informed the Thessalonians concerning the Lord’s Return and pagan hopelessness of future life.  Bubba had the resources for a better life, but was ignorant about what he had.  Do not be a Thessalonian Bubba. Share the hope of Jesus today. 

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