Sunday, August 4, 2019

Falling Short

We used to take sweet counsel together, within God’s house we walked in the throng. Psalm 55:14

My friend was dying with raging pneumonia.  There was no hope as his family stood by his side in the last moments of his life.  His nurse said that she could not believe the love that friends and family had shown this young man of thirty-two. 

Most of her patients did not have anyone who would come to visit.  She cared for AIDS victims.  She saw most of her patients abandoned and left to die alone.  Yes, my friend had AIDS.  He was one of the first victims of this worldwide tragedy.  My friend was a Christian who adopted the sinful lifestyle of homosexuality.  Before he died, he repented and returned to the house of God.  He died at peace with God, family, and friends.  Not all of his friends supported him.  At a time when his family needed support, they deserted my friend and his family.  I learned a valuable lesson from that time.  When sin enters our lives, we need trusted Christian friends to support and encourage us.

Many churches have forgotten that all sin and come short of the glory of God.  We need to strengthen our relationships and begin to treat one another as brothers and sisters in Christ. 

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