Thursday, February 29, 2024

Ms. Margaret

 This month of love we lost a very dear lady.  Ms. Margaret, mother of my wife's best friend Laura.  Lisa wrote this beautiful poem and I wanted to share it with you.  I hope you enjoy and help us remember this beautiful Christian lady.

One day an angel with a dream softly approached God’s throne

“I’d like to have something to love of my very own.”


“It’s not that I don’t love you, Lord – for you know that I do,

It’s just that I believe I could love little humans too.”


The Lord sighed deeply, then smiled as He said,

“I want to make sure you understand just what lies ahead.”


“You’ll have to become human with all their limitations and strife;

And you will also become a woman if your desire is to give life.


Great physical pain will accompany every child which you birth;

As you begin your journey into motherhood on earth.


Soon after, there is great joy and a love that you’ve never known;

But there’s so much more to raising little humans of your own.


There will be sleepless nights, endless days and sometimes heartache beyond measure;

As well as triumphs, love, hugs and kisses – making each little human your treasure.


Then one day you’ll send them out on a journey of their own,

Praying they remember the love & life lessons they learned from you at home.


So I will grant you this request,” God said, “because I know you will succeed,

For you will learn the cost of loving little humans is very great indeed.


When your time on earth is done, I’ll call you back to me,

And the love you gave will live on in your little humans’ memories.”


So when you stop to think of Momma, as you will often do,

You’ll know the love of God that came from an angel He sent to you.

Below is Ms Maragret signing our wedding reception book.


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