Monday, January 18, 2021

Happy Birthday Andy

 You are Beautiful

For you are fearfully and Wonderfully made Psalm 139: 14


I remember when your momma told me that she was pregnant.  I was so excited that we were going to baby.  Technology to reveal whether a baby was a boy or girl had not been developed.  Your mom had a glow about her as you began to grow inside of her. 

 It was a long hot and dry summer in 1975.  We lived in a second-hand trailer that had been wrecked.  It was all that we could afford and did not have many of the amenities that are commonplace today.  I remember coming in from work at the machine shop in Montevallo to find you mom lying on the living room floor, big belly pointing to the ceiling, cooled by a fan.  I felt so sorry for her as she held you inside.

 Momma and daddy were excited to hear they were having a grandchild.  You would be first and would become the joy of life for them.  We could not wait your arrival.  God blessed us with the excitement of the first Hopper grandchild coming into our lives.  We knew that things would never be the same.  We prayed that you would be a perfect baby with all ten toes and fingers and all the other magnificent things that arrive with the first baby.

 I will never forget the night before you were born.  I was at a brotherhood supper at Union Springs Baptist Church.  I stayed after the meeting playing ping-pong with the Pike boys.     As I left the church, I noticed that the night sky was crystal clear and the moon was full.  I was amazed how beautiful the heavens were not realizing that God was about to hand your momma and me something more beautiful and majestic than that January heavenly view.

 The night air was cold and the old trailer was hard to heat.  Your mom and I went to bed and snuggled up for a good night rest not knowing that in a few moments you would begin your journey in life.

 About two-thirty in the morning your mom woke me telling me that her water had broke and that we were having a baby.  I asked, “Are you sure?”  She said, Yes, I’m sure.  We had some bags packed and ready to go.

 Helping down the old steps of the trailer, I loaded her into the green Cutlass and we started to St. Vincent’s Hospital in Birmingham. This was before Interstate 65 was complete and we had to travel US Highway 31.  I did not want to panic so I drove safely to St. Vincent’s.  I remember telling your mom is was cold and saw a bank sign that said it was 14 degrees.  The sky remained gorgeous and I now realized how special that was.  You came on a midnight clear on Sunday morning at 10:22.  News of your anticipated birth spread quickly at church

 As your arrival drew closer, I prayed with your momma and kissed her as they carried into delivery. Back then, they would not allow the fathers back with the mothers.  I waited with several other excited dads.  Finally, a nurse entered the waiting room and said, “Mr. Hopper.”  I stood and she said, “You have a baby boy.”  I was elated, but suddenly I realized the awesome responsibility I now faced.

 When one of the most special moments came, I saw you lying on your mother’s stomach.  She was so happy and you were so wonderfully made.  Happy 45th Birthday my son.  I love you, dad.

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