Thursday, July 9, 2020


From my devotion  I Will Speak Using Stories 

            Have you ever wondered what you will be doing when the Lord returns? Some will be working, some sleeping, some praying, some crying, and some will be doing inappropriate things. Those not ready for His coming will not have time to get ready.

            I know that I have been some places where I've prayed, “Lord, please do not come again while I am here and in this predicament.” I know full well that when the Lord comes, there will be some very embarrassed believers. It is important to be ready and not be caught off-guard when the trumpet sounds.

            I had a taste of not being ready one year during plum-picking time in Alabama. It was a sultry spring afternoon, when by brother-in-law drove into our yard.  The kids, and I were on the back of my old GMC pickup, picking plums.

            Now, if you have ever picked plums, you understand how nasty this job can be. We were covered in sweat and plum juice, making us giant sticky pads for collecting dust, pollen, dirt, and any other particle that might be floating in the air. We were a pretty sticky sight.

            My brother-in-law wanted us to ride down and visit his other brother-in-law. My brother-in-law had the distinction of having two brothers-in-law in the ministry. It was his other brother-in-law’s birthday.

            My brother-in-law could not accept no for an answer. We had to go celebrate, so we all loaded into his pickup and headed out to surprise the birthday boy. Two grown men and five kids were in back of the pickup, when en route the pickup started making a rattling noise. My sister-in-law stopped the truck, and, when I raised the hood, I was subjected to another sticky substance: antifreeze steam.

            My brother-in-law is not mechanically inclined, which meant he had no tools in his truck. We were close to our destination, so we waited for the engine to cool and then continued to the house of my brother-in-law’s brother-in-law.

            When we got there, they were having a party; everyone was dressed for a party except us. Remember, we were in work clothes. I wore shorts, a T-shirt, and tennis shoes—all covered in plum juice, sweat, dust, dirt, and antifreeze. We were all embarrassed.

            The birthday boy’s family did not know we were coming and were as the virgins were with no oil when the bridegroom returned. They did not have any food, cake, or ice cream for guests. We were uncomfortable as we sat around in our sticky attire.

            After the birthday party, we went outside to work on the pickup. My brother-in-law’s brother-in-law is not mechanically inclined either, but he did own some pliers and a screwdriver. I diagnosed the problem as a frozen thermostat. My brother-in-law asked how something frozen could cause the pickup to run hot. I explained that the mechanism that controlled the water flow had not opened, and this had restricted the flow of the water that cooled the engine. Unfortunately, the tools we had were not those we needed, but I did use the screwdriver to remove the hose above the thermostat. It had some pressure and spewed antifreeze on me.

            By this time, I had plum juice, sweat, dirt, dust, more antifreeze, grease, black residue from an old water hose—and a very irritated brother-in-law. I calmed him down by assuring him I could use the screwdriver to remove the hose and to punch a hole in the thermostat, thus allowing the coolant to flow and cool the engine.

            Then, right on cue, a spring shower began in the Alabama twilight. Now, on top of everything else, I was wet and contemplating a twenty-five-mile ride in the back of a pickup with all the kids. Just then, my brother-in-law’s brother-in-law returned with a blue tarp that was covered in dirt, dust, and mildew. Now I had mildew on me.

            My brother-in-law elected to drive the pickup, thinking he could do a better job at keeping it cool than his wife had. We had fun under the tarp, but I feared we would be pulled over by the police suspecting we were illegal refugees. Instead, my brother-in-law pulled over because the pickup was overheating again.

            He was in a panic. It was dark and raining; we had no tools, and we were in a small town, which rolled the streets up after dark. I directed him to a closed filling (gag) station, which had an overhead canopy and some lighting. He was exasperated, so I sent him in search of something to get water. While he was searching, I took the tire tool (some call it jack handle) and used the flattened end as a screwdriver to undo the clamp on the hose. Then I used the tire tool as a punch to destroy the thermostat. I replaced everything and filled the radiator with water, and we started back home.

            My brother-in-law was amazed at what I had done. I just wanted to get home. It had stopped raining and an Alabama fog filled the night. The kids and I, wet, cold, and shivering, sang, “B-I-.N-G-O, and Bingo was his name-o,” as those enjoying the warmth in the cab watched the varmints come alive and scurry along the highway.

            When we pulled into our driveway, I was so happy to see the house and think of the warm shower waiting for me. My brother-in-law, who was on cloud nine, said, “I had the best time of my life.” I could not believe what I was hearing. I could only think, Lord, I know how people with sin in their lives are going feel when you come again. I felt so dirty. Thank God for cleansing through the blood of Jesus.

For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. (I Thessalonians 4:16–17, KJV)

Afterward came also the other virgins, saying, Lord, Lord, open to us. But he answered and said, Verily I say unto you, I know you not. Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh. (Matthew 25:11–13, KJV)

For this is my blood of the new testament, which is shed for many for the remission of sins. (Matthew 26:28, KJV)

In whom we have redemption through his blood, even the forgiveness of sins. (Colossians 1:14, KJV)

But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin. (I John 1:7, KJV)

Describe a time in your life when you felt dirty—physically and spiritually.

What did you do to get clean?

How did you feel when you asked the Lord to cleanse you?

Prayer: Father Incarnate, You provided one way to eternity through the shedding of Your blood, the cleansing power that washes white as snow. Thank You for salvation. Help us remember the cost of Calvary and the power of the Resurrection. Increase our faith as we ask Your forgiveness.

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