Thursday, March 7, 2019

Everyday Routine

The “Left Behind Series” created a renewed interest in the Lord’s second coming.  The events of 911 heightened the interest and the current events in Jerusalem escalated interest in many.  There have always been two sides of the issue.  Response to Jesus’ coming is either indifference or fanciful schemes.  Few people are very eager or expectant and leave it to God.  One thing is sure.  God always gives plenty of warning.

In May 1984, National Geographic Magazine showed color photos and drawings of the swift and terrible destruction that wiped out the Roman cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum in AD 79. The explosion of Mount Vesuvius was so sudden that the people died in the middle of the routines of life. Common people were in the market, wealthy were in their luxurious baths, and slaves were at their backbreaking work. They died after breathing superheated gases and then volcanic ash buried them. Life was going on as usual, but sudden destruction overtook them on that terrible day. The tragic thing is that the people did not have to die. The article stated that scientists have verified what some of the ancient Roman records indicate: that there were weeks of rumblings and tremors preceding the actual eruption. There were even ominous plumes of smoke visible from the mountain several days before the volcano erupted. If only they had responded to Vesuvius’ warning! God was warning them, but they were not paying attention. They went about their lives as usual instead of paying attention to the warning which God had provided.

Speaking of the second coming of Christ, Paul wrote these words to the Thessalonians: “Now, brothers, about times and dates we do not need to write to you, for you know very well that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night. While people are saying, ‘Peace and safety,’ destruction will come on them suddenly, as labor pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape” (1 Thessalonians 5:1-3).

God has always warned His people long before judgment falls.  Two days before the cross, the disciples asked Jesus about the end. Jesus discussed with His disciples the destruction of the temple.  Jesus knew that in 70 AD that Titus would march the Roman army into the city and over a million Jews would die.  History records that there was plenty of warning and that there were no Christians in the city then.  They were out ministering.  The disciples realized that Jesus was telling them that people can come to the point of no return. 

Are we approaching that time?  We know that Jesus said no one knows the time.  We know that man will not be the one who destroys the world.  We know that when we distort God’s plan we reap the harvest of sin.  The Bible teaches us that judgment will fall when least expected.  There are definite signs of Jesus’ return.  If there is no flood, there is no judgment nor Noah.  If there is no Noah, there is no Jesus, no cross, no resurrection, nor second coming.  If there is no second coming, there is no judgment, no heaven, nor hell. 

Jesus gives an expose¢on the human heart and the consequences of sin in Matthew 24:37-44.  Eating and drinkingis a New Testament expression of the subjection to the World.  Eating and drinking are vital functions of life but as such they may be occasions of sin.  “Marrying and giving in marriage” is an expression of immorality.  Without God people have obsession with sin.  Abortion becomes choice, homosexuality becomes alternative lifestyle, spouse becomes significant other, the church becomes a haven for incest, and tampering with Divine order becomes genetic engineering. We are pushing the limits in population, technology, and pride.            

Our hope is involvement by God who always provides salvation.  Jesus provides grace.  Noah found the grace of God who saved the world.  It was not Noah.  Human achievement without God becomes overweening pride.  The world needs a Savior.  We must be ready to share Jesus.  (v. 44)

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