Thursday, May 17, 2018

Peach, Plum, and Black Cherry Switches

The Front Porch Swing

I went by my mom's grave and placed some flowers for her birthday and Mother's Day.  I had promised to place flowers there because she loved it when I brought her flowers.  Today's blog is another flower placed in her honor as we close another chapter in the book of life.

Mother’s Day reminds us of the great sacrifice that a mother makes for her children.  I remember when daddy moved us to Beloit, Illinois.  Momma never adjusted to the North.  It was too cold in the winter and Southern hospitality did not exist.  She insisted that we move back to “Sweet Home Alabama.”  Staying up there was a sacrifice she did not want to make.

Momma was not your TV sitcom mommas like June Cleaver of Leave it to Beaver, but she did act comical like Lucile Ball on I Love Lucy.  She loved working outdoors.  We spend most of our time outside washing clothes in a ringer washer with a set of number three washtubs.  Most people had automatic washing machines inside or in an outside building.  Momma heated water on the stove and we carried outside in buckets and poured it in the washing machine tub.  She sacrificed convenience to wash our clothes.

Momma was a disciplinarian.  Her favorite saying was, “Go cut me a switch.”  Her preferred “rods of discipline” were black cherry and plum.  If you think plums are sweet, you should taste them when they sting your naked back and legs.  They ain’t so sweet then.  She sacrificed black cherries and plums to correct us.

Momma would switch us several times a day.  She was not quick on the draw and was longsuffering.  She warned us many times before actually executing judgment on us.  We knew she was serious when she would call us by our full name.  If she said Bobby Earl Hopper, I had crossed the point of no return.

On one particular occasion, my brother and I had been fighting all morning.  You know important issues such as I was older, and he was younger.  Momma had gone as far and to call me by first and middle name.  I was on thin ice. 

Suddenly, the mailman delivered the mail.  We loved getting the mail.  It was a treat to get the Sears or Spiegel catalogs.  Momma called them wish books.  On this stop, the mailman left a Hot Rod magazine.  I had gotten a free subscription from selling magazines for the school.  Momma said we could not afford magazine subscriptions.  If they were not free, we did not get them.

My brother and I were in peace and harmony as we sat on the front porch swing and looked at all the cars in Hot Rod.  We called a ceasefire in our battle and were united by hot rods.

Daddy had not secured the swing very safe to the porch.  He had brought some rough oak four by fours home from work.  The kind truckers use for stacking so that a forklift can remove cargo.  He had laid them across the rafters and wrapped the chain of the swing around them. 

My brother and I swung back and forth, back and forth, and back and forth.  With the quickness of a streak of lightning, one four by fours worked off the rafter and fell across my back and across my brother’s head.  I was much taller than he was, and he took the brunt of the lick.  The chain wrapped around the four by four hit him on the head.  He screamed, and blood went flying.

As I tried to get the four by four off us, momma came through the front door with a big switch and flogged me.  She yelled, “I told you to stop hurting your brother.”  I was trying to stop my brother’s bleeding head, which appeared to momma that I was beating him up.  My brother was pleading for me, but momma had turned deaf with anger.

We could not convince momma of what happened, and my brother and I laugh about it now.  I did not deserve the whipping that time.  Overall, I did not get as many as I deserved.  I thank God I had a momma who loved me enough to discipline me.  I always believed that momma would not kill me when she disciplined me.  She sacrificed too much for me to beat me to death.

My son, hear the instruction of thy father, and forsake not the law of thy mother:  For they shall be an ornament of grace unto thy head, and chains about thy neck (Proverbs 1:8-9 KJV).

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